Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Have you any Wool?

Have You Any Wool  oil - 6 x 6

I took this picture of my friend J's sheep, on her farm, a few miles from my house. She told me her sheep needed to be sheared but I think they look so cute and warm, on these very cold days, the way they are. I contemplated allowing the paint to dry and painting this in layers with more realism but I kind of like the looser paint strokes for this friendly farm animal.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shake it Off

Shake it Off   oil - 6x6

It's been difficult leaving my new dog to go down to my studio to paint. I will eventually be taking her down to the studio with me but Tug is still learning the rules in the house and can't be trusted just yet to just lie down and take a nap. So, for the time being, I've had her in her crate for the couple of hours a day I've made it to my studio to paint. I really enjoyed arranging this still life. The color orange is such a jolly color and tangerines pitted texture is what makes them so fun to paint... and eat!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Paper Whites in the Sun and Tug

Paper Whites in the Sun  oil - 6 x 6

This was an ambitious subject to take on this week given that I started a large oil painting this week for K and T's wedding gift and we picked up our new dog "Tug" (a 13 month old female Brittany). I think I would like to do this painting larger and spend more time on the details and since I have several photos of this paper white I may do just that sometime in the future.  

Tug is very sweet and well mannered. We are very happy she has joined our family.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seasonal Challenge: Winter

I am starting a "Seasonal Challenge" with my friends that meet for lunch on Tuesdays, but any painters are welcome to participate in the challenge. I will post photos of the paintings here. Hopefully, if there continues to be an interest in doing this, I will post a new challenge each season.

Here is the "Winter Challenge":
The name of your painting will be: "It's not easy being Green"
You may use only shades of green to paint any subject, any size.
Bring your painting to lunch,
 the first Tues. in April, 12:30 p.m. at "Chef Lin Buffet", Frederick, MD 
 The "Spring Challenge" will be announced at lunch.
 if you can not make the April lunch meeting, e-mail a photo of your painting to me at:
There will not be any winners, just artists sharing a challenge, lunch, and fun with other artists.
I can't wait to see these green paintings!
Have fun!


It's a new year so it's time to try again to keep the old new years resolutions, (like exercising more and eating better), and to make new resolutions.  My new years resolution this year, in an effort to improve my artistic skills, is to post at least one new painting every week. Yes, that's right, I will paint 52 paintings this year. The first of these paintings for 2011, is of mushrooms on white napkins.  Painting white objects on a white background has been a challenge for me, but I wanted to not only paint and post each week, but also, to paint challenging things. I am pleased with the results but I will be trying a "white on white" challenge again soon.

Mushrooms  oil - 6x6