Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Kai  oil - 6 x 6

My niece Kai will be my last portrait painted in Florida. I hope I will be able to keep up this pace and paint about two portraits a week once I am home. I have a few back logged photos to paint now.  I can always use more so keep sending them. I will get to them eventually.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Live Model

Florida Girl  oil - 18 x 14

Over the last four weeks I have been taking a portrait class at the Elliott Museum in Stewart, FL. Florida Girl is of the beautiful 16 year old model that sat for us. I enjoyed the time I had with the other artists and our model was wonderful. It is not easy for a model to sit still for three hours (with breaks) for the four session but she did very well. I took a picture of her so I could finish her hands at home since it is nearly impossible to get the exact hand position each time she sat down. But, I decided to leave it sketchy like it is. The Elliot Museum had us painting in the antique car exhibit. among antique cars. The smell of turpentine and oil paint mixed with the smell of engine oil and musty leather. The people visiting the museum didn't seem to mind us painting there. 

Photo of our model

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Erin Kathleen

Erin Kathleen  oil - 6 x 6

My friend Kathy's granddaughter extraordinaire, Erie. This is the first of the photos sent to me of someone that I have not met (but would love to). Children are more challenging for me to paint. I think because, they are lacking the character that life adds to an older face. Thanks for the Photo Kathy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sarah  oil - 6 x 6

Here is the first of the photos that were sent to me so far. My cousin sent several photos of her  beautiful daughter Sarah so that I could choose my favorite to paint. I decided on this photo, even though they were all good. I loved the soft glow on her face with the flowers in the background and her wispy hair. I thought it had an old fashion, almost cherub, quality to it. Keep sending photos to me, and tell your friends. I don't need to know the person to paint them. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

....why can't I paint you?

Send your photos to me!
My selection, of portrait photographs, is dwindling. I have decided to make a call for photos that you would like for me to paint and post here on my blog. The paintings would be approximately 6x6 inches, painted in oil, and available for sale on my web site. You will be under no obligation to purchase the painting and I will reserve the right not to paint photos that don't inspire me. The photos don't need to be cropped, I'll do that.  Permission from the photographer, to use a photograph must be given to avoid any copyright violations. Natural light (taken outside or by a window) verses photos taken with a flash are usually much better. I don't know how many photos will be sent to me (if any), so I can't promise when you will see them posted on the blog. But, keep checking and hopefully I will have some amazing portraits posted here in the future. Send your photos to .

Monday, March 21, 2011


Donnell  oil - 6 x 6

I loved painting this. The warm and cool colors in this painting really compliment each other. I also just love the way Donnell is enjoying the sun on his face. The photo I used to paint this, is just another of Rachel's  St. Mary's college photos that found their way to my computer.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Rachel  oil - 6 x 6

On the Potomac River between Point of Rocks,  Md and Harpers Ferry, WV, there is a rapid with a four foot drop in the river. This makes for an exciting ride on a kayak or just swimming. In this painting, Rachel is sitting on one of these rocks above the rapids, resting after swimming, as the sun was setting. 

Monday, March 14, 2011


Leesy  oil - 6 x 6

This is Emily's friend Leesy. She enjoys following my blog, so a little bird whispered in my ear and told me she would really enjoy seeing a portrait of herself on my blog. Surprise! This portrait is of you Leesy! My three girls are visiting me here in florida this week. They are sun bathing on the beach while I enjoyed a quiet day painting.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mister Ben

Mister Ben  oil - 6 x 6

Here's Ben a nice change from all the females I have been painting. He's also a nice change from all the Kaelber females too, when he is around. I'm looking forward to seeing him this week.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Chrissy oil - 10 x 10

This is my niece Chrissy having a fun day on the Chesapeake Bay. She goes to college in the northern most part of Michigan so I hope this brings her thoughts of the warm sun on her face. I painted this one a little larger because I now have painted on all the 6x6 gesso boards I brought to Florida. It's almost four times as large, so it almost took four times as long to paint. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Elizabeth  oil - 6 x6

My daughter Rachel and her best friend, Elizabeth, will be visiting us here in sunny Florida next week. I loved this photograph taken while she and my daughter were playing in the snow on their college campus. Sometimes a portrait almost paints it self and practically jumps onto the canvas but that was not the case this time. Maybe because I started late in the day yesterday. Whatever the reason, after redoing all the features at least once I am pretty happy with the results.