Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ella and Tim

Ella and Tim - oil - 8 x 8 

What's better than a new baby in the family? Here is my baby gift to the new parents of sweet little Ella. The paint is still wet but I'll be taking it with me to a family event anyway. I really should learn not to procrastinate.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Wedding Dance

The Wedding Dance - oil - 20 x 16

This is the second wedding painting I have done as wedding gift for my family. The handsome groom in the painting is my nephew, Ben. They were married a year and half ago, but it's better late than never. In hind sight I would rather have painted this larger. The faces were so small, I was using tiny brushes to get the detail I needed to capture their likeness. Now that I am finished, I hope they feel, as I do, that The Wedding Dance reflects the love they have for each other. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mother's Kiss

Mother's Kiss - oil   8 x 10 

The mother in the painting Mother and Child, ask me to paint this painting of her friend's baby. The features on an infant are so subtle and delicate that the colors in the skin tones also need to be painted very subtle. I took a little more time on this painting than I usually do to to achieve these soft skin tones.