Saturday, December 18, 2010


Poinsettia - oil 14x11 

Last Friday, I was asked to substitute teach a continuing education oil painting class at the community college. The instructor said the subject was to be on "flowers" and asked if I would do a demo on how to begin a painting of a flower during the first half hour of the two hour class. That day the roads were incredibly icy, but I managed to get into the school and even picked up a poinsettia at the grocery store on the way. Only four students made it to class, due to the weather. This painting is the demo I did in class. Although I covered the entire canvas with paint during the demo, I still needed to clean it up and add highlights once it dried. I really enjoyed teaching and hope I get a chance to do it again soon.


  1. Pam, I love this. You are getting so incredibly good at this. I think it's a blast that you are teaching too.

  2. Thanks Sue, I appreciate your encouragement.
