Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lucy and Sally

Lucy and Sally  oil - 16 x 20

I haven't posted lately, not only because Christmas preparations are in full swing, but because I have been working on this painting of two adorable puppies. The painting will be revealed at our annual Christmas Eve party where the owners of Lucy and Sally will be surprised by their kid's thoughtful Christmas gift. I am so excited that I will be there when the kids either show their parents the painting, or wait until they recognize their dogs hanging on the wall. Either way will make for a fun time for all.


  1. I haven't had any comments since August so I think my Blog is having trouble.

  2. Mom you have to let people know you have new paintings on here...When you put a new painting up link it to facebook.

  3. Lucy and Sally is the last post that I have and I have a little red x next to name of your blog on my blog list. I'm not sure why since it went right to yours when I selected it, but something might not be right. I haven't been leaving comments because I took a 3 month break from the computer. I'm checking e-mail and FB on my phone, but actually have to sit down at the computer to blog. Since I have decided to write again, at least once in a while, since my kids are giving me grief that I'm not, I'll let you know if I can't get it from my blog. The Lucy and Sally is lovely and I know the "parents" loved it.
